Instructions for authors

Ready scientific work for publication in the journal «Bulletin of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata. Agricultural Sciences» can be submitted by the author (authors) through the online article submission system at , using special instructions. The article should be written in Word format in Windows 10 with Times New Roman font (an article that does not meet these requirements will not be automatically accepted). The language of publications is Kazakh, Russian, English. Structure and design of the article:

  1. The size of the article ranges from 6 to 12 pages (without bibliography and annotations).
    • Description of the scheme of the article (page - A 4, book orientation, indents are calculated with respect to the left top and bottom sides page margins-2.5 m, with right - 2.0 m, Standard font : type - Times New Roman, size (font) - 12): (In Word format in the Windows 10 operating system)
    • the IRSTI index is the first line at the top left, on the right side DOI index (DOI index (prefix and suffix) provided by the editorial office;
    • Title of article – with capital letters, alignment on the center in bold, size (font) 12. Initials and last name of author(s) - alignment on the center in bold, size (font) – 11, the number of authors - no more than 5;
    • The full name of the organization, city, country - alignment on the center, italic, size (font) - 11.
    • Annotation in the original language (150-300 words; retaining the structure of the article) size (font) - 11.
    • Key words (in Kazakh, Russian, English from 3 to 5 words/phrases) size (font) - 11.
    • Main text (12 font, line spacing - 1, indentation of red line - 1.25 cm). The structure of the article is as follows:
  2. Introduction: rationale for the selection of the topic; relevance of the topic or problem; definition of the object, subject, objectives, tasks, methods, approaches, hypotheses and meanings of the work.
  3. Research materials and methods: should consist of a description of the materials and the progress of work, as well as a full description of the methods used.
  4. Tables, figures must be placed after mention. Each illustration must be accompanied by an inscription (size (font) – 11). Tables, pictures must be clear, clean, and not scanned. In the text, links are displayed in square brackets. Links must be strictly numbered in the text.

    Tables and figures should be placed after the mention. Each illustration should be accompanied by an inscription (size (font) – 11). Tables and figures should be clear, clean, and not scanned. In the text, links are displayed in square brackets. Links should be strictly numbered in the text

  5. Results/discussion: analysis and discussion of the findings of the study.
  6. Conclusion/conclusions: synthesis and summary of the work at this stage; confirmation of the truth of the allegation made by the author. Information about financial support for the work must be indicated at the end of the article. The list of literature (size (font) - 11, the amount of literature used is not less than 15). The list of references is presented in two versions: the first one in the original language, the second one with the Romanized alphabet (transliteration). The list of citations in the article should contain literature sources corresponding to the scientific direction of the article, with DOI index (or URL) (sample-appendix. The list of romanized literature should be arranged through
  7. Information about the authors: (must contain the full name of the author(s), full name of the organization, city, country, contact details: phone, email, Orcid ID) in 3 languages. The Anti-Plagiarism program is conducted only if the received article is formatted in accordance with the requirements. The article, the originality of which exceeds 80%, is sent for consideration to the editors. And the article below 80% is sent to the author for addition . In case of insufficient percentage of originality at the repeated check for plagiarism, the article will be returned to the author and will not be published. After a positive review of the article, it is accepted for publication in the journal, and the author is sent a notice of the need to pay. The author is obliged to send a payment receipt to the editorial office by e-mail (