Journal publication ethics

All parties involved in the process of preparing materials for publication in the journal - authors, expert commission, reviewers, editorial board members - should follow the following requirements for publication ethics.

The Editor-in-Chief may consult with members of the editorial board and reviewers when making a decision, who shall be guided by the following rules:

  • do not disclose information about the submitted manuscript to anyone other than the author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial consultants and, if necessary, the publisher.
  • do not allow discrimination when evaluating materials submitted by authors;
  • do not unnecessarily disclose information about materials accepted from authors, with the exception of authors and reviewers;
  • take reasonable measures to identify and prevent the publication of articles in which research misconduct has occurred, and not encourage such violations or knowingly allow such violations;
  • consider facts or allegations of inappropriate research conduct;
  • be ready to publish corrections, clarifications, refutations and apologies when necessary.

In the publishing process, authors are guided by the following rules:

  • work in full compliance with current legal requirements regarding libel, copyright, legality and plagiarism;
  • provide reliable results of the work done on original research and an objective discussion of its significance.
  • contain sufficient content to warrant review of the work. False or intentional errors of judgment may cause material to be rejected or a published article to be retracted;
  • submitting a manuscript simultaneously to another publication is considered immoral and inappropriate. The author should not submit to the journal an article previously published in other publications;
  • guarantee the complete originality of the presented material. In case of use of works or statements of other authors, relevant bibliographical references or excerpts should be provided;
  • do not allow plagiarism in any form. The article must have at least 80% uniqueness of the text for publication.
  • If the originality of the article is below 80%, the work will be returned to the author for correction and adjustment. If the article, after a secondary check, reaches the required anti-plagiarism indicator, it is sent for consideration by the editorial board. An article that does not meet the relevant requirements, the originality of which is double-checked, will not be accepted for publication.
  • An article is not considered plagiarism provided that the author(s) refer to their own research work and the citation level of their scientific work does not exceed 20%.
  • to follow the rules of autocitation (self-citation), namely, if the elements of the material were previously published in another article, including in the journal «Bulletin of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University. Agricultural Sciences», the author must refer to the earlier work. Authors are advised to follow a self-citation rate of 0-10%.
  • disclose funding information in their work, as well as the presence of interests of third parties that may be perceived as influencing the results or interpretation of their manuscript.
  • informing the responsible editors in the scientific areas of the journal about a significant error or inaccuracy in the work and ensuring constant contact with the editors of the journal to remove or correct the article.
  • the number of articles included in each issue of the journal should not exceed 35 articles.