Editorial politics

«Bulletin of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University. Agricultural Sciences» is published 4 times a year and contains information about scientific works of natioal and foreign scientists and materials of scientific conferences, scientific and metho-dical articles, scientific creativity of youth, information about the university life.

Tasks of the Editorial politics of «Bulletin of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University. Agricultural Sciences»:

  • to contribute to the improvement of the quality of scientific research, the identification of scientific potential for the introduction of advanced scientific achievements;
  • Enable scientists and young researchers to publish their research results;
  • to draw attention to the most relevant perspective and interesting areas;
  • focusing on the most relevant perspective and interesting areas of the agricultural industry;
  • ensure interaction and involve leading domestic and foreign scientists in publications, establish an exchange of views between researchers.

relationships of all parties (editors, authors, reviewers) are based on compliance with the requirements to the ethics of publications.

the authors are responsible for the factual material in the articles

Materials that have received a negative review and rejected by the journal are not published and returned to the authors. The editorial office does not store rejected materials.